Righteous Judges and Non-packed Courts

Prayer for Righteous Judges

Heavenly Father, in our Savior & Lord Jesus’ Name, please thwart the efforts to pack courts with un-righteous judges, throughout the world. Protect the righteous judges throughout the world. Protect their families, friends, allies, all their belongings as You have described in Your Scriptures. Thwart the efforts of all enemies plotting, planning, scheming to harm them. Thwart the efforts of all that seek to manifest evil, immoral laws and rulings. Protect all of the righteous, moral laws and rulings, as You desire. Orchestrate the establishment of every moral law and ruling You desire. Restore each region of the world to be as morally right as You desire. Make each court be as You desire it to be, wherever it is in the world. Take the wicked and evil people out of power, as soon as You desire, and discipline them as You’ve stated you would in 2 Thessalonians 1:5-6 (ESV & NIV). Orchestrate the placement of the people You desire for specific offices, as You desire for as long as You desire. Help us do our part honorably, with integrity, to honestly help and elect the people You want in specific positions throughout this world. You are the Creator of this world. You believe in justice as You are the first Righteous Judge (Psalm 7:11 – God is an honest judge. He is angry with the wicked every day. ~ New Living Translation). Amen. Thank-you, in advance, Heavenly Father!”